Thursday, April 25, 2013


Our little second graders are almost THIRD GRADERS! They did such a great job preparing and taking their tests. I can't believe we only have 20 days until summer! We've been working on different forms of measurement, but our favorite day was estimating and measuring each other! 
Here is our class in height order!

Look how tall they've gotten!
If you haven't already sent in money for a field day shirt, it's not too late! Field day is NEXT Friday!
Also, permission slips for our last field trip (to the zoo on May 7) are due along with $6.

Monday, April 8, 2013


To relieve the stress of test prep, Miss Landry's second grade class invited us to see their reader's theater! We can't wait to get started on our own!

We were also able to find time for FUN centers last Friday! The students earned one hour of free center time from filling up our Pom Pom Jar! Way to go!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Second Graders are Symmetrical!

We have had so much fun learning about geometry and shapes these past few weeks! 
Look at all of our amazing artists!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


We learned fractions with pizza slices!
The kiddos did such a good job on their fractions test that we decided to award them with FRACTION PIZZA! We had so much fun. Thank you for sending $1.00 each!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Welcome back from Winter Break!
We are working really hard on our reading progress this month!
Please make sure your children are reading at least one book WITH YOU every night!
They have each improved so much; we want to keep that awesome trend going!

Friendship Dance - Febuary 8

Please have discussions with your students about their conduct grade each night after school.

Happy Birthday to: